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Barefoot Bookseller For Rent In Maldives Resort

Ultimate Library, the British company behind the unconventional job ad, is hiring a “barefoot bookseller” to run a bookshop located at the Soneva Fushi resort in Baa Atoll for a year. Interested parties have until August 8 to apply for the position, which involves hosting literary workshops, managing social media accounts and managing sales at the bookstore. The job posting describes that the ideal candidate has a passion for books and excellent written and spoken English skills....

December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 144 words Â· James Love

It S An Illusion Of Choice Why Young Kenyans Are Boycotting Elections Global Development

About 40% of the 22 million people registered to vote in Tuesday’s election are aged 18 to 35. Those under 35 make up 75% of the country’s population. Civil society groups reported that they faced particular resistance to registration during engagement campaigns from young eligible voters between the ages of 18 and 25. said Loise Mwakamba, from parliamentary watchdog Mzalendo Trust. Like many previous elections, next week’s polls are expected to be a close race....

December 24, 2022 Â· 5 min Â· 979 words Â· Carrie Dodson

Mr. President I Apologize Rep. Maloney Apologizes To Biden For Comments Cnn

December 24, 2022 Â· 0 min Â· 0 words Â· Anthony Pieper

We Can Finally Breathe Vinnie Jansen S Family Cheered For Boy 7 His Mother Found Safe

Vincent and Walker, 48, were reported missing in Saskatoon on July 24. For days, emergency crews and volunteers combed areas near the city where the pair may have been, while others prayed for their well-being and safe return. The mother and son were found “safe and well” in Oregon City, Ore. Friday morning, according to Saskatoon police. “When we found out they were both safe, there was sobbing, laughing, dancing, shouting, throwing shoes and hugs… We feel like we can finally breathe,” the Jansen family wrote in a statement released Saturday morning....

December 24, 2022 Â· 3 min Â· 617 words Â· Cheryl Broome

113 Haitian Migrants In Custody After Boat Runs Aground Off Florida

Border Patrol arrested 113 Haitian migrants after their sailboat ran aground off the coast of Florida on Saturday afternoon. The boat was spotted off the coast of Key Largo, near the gated community of Ocean Reef, officials said. Rescue crews transferred people from the grounded boat to coastguard vessels, with some entering the water without life jackets and having to be rescued by crew members. Chief Patrol Agent Walter N....

December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 195 words Â· Frank Warner

12 J Hrige Aus Templin Vermisst

Von der BZ-Redaktion Seit Dienstagnachmittag wird gegen die zwölfjährige Yiannis intensiv ermittelt. Polizei veröffentlicht Foto des Jungen – erfolgreich! Der Junge verschwand an diesem Tag aus einer betreuten Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtung und war zunächst nicht auffindbar. Jetzt meldete die Polizei: Der Junge ist zurück. Er wurde wohlbehalten im Stadtgebiet Templin entdeckt und in die Einrichtung zurückgebracht. Betreff: Brandenburger Polizei vermisst

December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 60 words Â· James Heroman

3 Produkte Lindern Zuverl Ssig Gesichtsr Tungen

Diese Gründe können hinter Gesichtsrötungen stehen Hinter Gesichtsrötungen können ganz harmlose Ursachen stecken. Beispielsweise neigt das Gesicht beim Sport zu Rötungen. Der Grund? Die Haut wird besser durchblutet und die Körpertemperatur steigt. Um die Temperatur zu regulieren, erweitert der Körper die Blutgefäße. Das kann zum Beispiel auch bei Fieber passieren. Darüber hinaus können auch Faktoren wie Stress oder Alkohol zu roten Flecken im Gesicht führen. Und: Manche Krankheiten verursachen auch Rötungen im Gesicht....

December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 131 words Â· George Witt

77.000 Euro Jahresgehalt Kanadisches Unternehmen Sucht Bonbontester Geld

Rund 77.000 Euro verdient dieser süße Job im Jahr Montréal – Kanadisches Unternehmen sucht neuen Mitarbeiter mit einer sehr süßen Stellenausschreibung: Lernen Sie den CEO von Bonbon kennen! Das Berufsbild CCO („Chief Candy Officer“): Man muss mindestens fünf Jahre alt sein und etwa 3500 Bonbons pro Monat verkosten. Dafür kassieren Sie 100.000 Kanadische Dollar (rund 77.000 Euro) Jahresgehalt. Homeoffice ist möglich. Bonus: Vollkaskoversicherung! Und hier ist der Haken: Nur diejenigen, die in Nordamerika leben, können sich bewerben....

December 24, 2022 Â· 2 min Â· 238 words Â· Brenda Harrington

Albert Woodfox The Survivor Of 42 Years In Solitary Confinement Has Died At The Age Of 75

His lead lawyer, George Kendall, said the cause was Covid-19. Mr Kendall added that Mr Woodfox also had a number of pre-existing organ conditions. Mr Woodfox was placed in solitary confinement in 1972 after being accused of murdering Brent Miller, a 23-year-old corrections officer. A tangled legal ordeal ensued, involving two convictions, both overturned, and three charges spanning four decades. The case seemed problematic to most commentators. No forensic evidence linked Mr Woodfox to the crime, so the authorities’ case depended on witnesses, who over time discredited or proved unreliable....

December 24, 2022 Â· 6 min Â· 1257 words Â· Wayne Terry

Alex Jones Awarded 4 Million In Damages To Two Sandy Hook Parents Jury Finds

A separate, shorter trial is now expected to discuss punitive damages. Punitive damages are awarded when the court finds the defendant’s conduct to be particularly offensive. Mark Bankston, an attorney for the parents, told CNN that the plaintiffs are pleased with the jury’s decision, noting that they had also received pre-trial money due to sanctions the court had hit Jones with. “Having already secured $1.5 million in fines from Mr....

December 24, 2022 Â· 5 min Â· 921 words Â· Mary Figg

Alex Jones Faced At Trial With Texts Showing Evidence Of Cheating

The messages were apparently mistakenly sent to the families’ lawyers by Mr Jones’ legal team. “Mr. Jones, did you know that 12 days ago, your lawyers messed around and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you’ve sent in the last two years?” The parents’ lawyer, Mark Bankston, asked Mr Jones. The text messages were significant because Mr. Jones had maintained for years that he searched his phone for messages about the Sandy Hook cases and found none....

December 24, 2022 Â· 5 min Â· 964 words Â· Pam Sims

Anne Heche In Icu After Car She Was Driving Crashes At Home Cnn

December 24, 2022 Â· 0 min Â· 0 words Â· Norman Mccabe

Apple May Bring Back The Status Bar Battery Percentage With Ios 16

In iOS 16 beta 5, the battery percentage indicator in the Status Bar is back. The tech giant rolled out the functionality alongside the launch of the iPhone X in 2017. While it was possible to view battery life in iPhone settings, it’s much more convenient to look at your device and see a specific number in the status bar . According to 9to5Mac, reading the percentage in the latest iOS 16 beta is as simple as navigating to Settings, selecting Battery, then enabling a new Battery Percentage option....

December 24, 2022 Â· 2 min Â· 259 words Â· Raul Mora

Assembly Of Manitoba Chiefs Votes To Remove Suspended Grand Chief Arlen Dumas

At a special general assembly held in Winnipeg on Friday, dozens of Manitoba chiefs held a no-confidence vote to formally remove Dumas from his position after allegations he sexually harassed and assaulted an employee. Interim Grand Chief Cornell McLean told CBC News that 30 voted to remove the Grand Chief immediately and 13 voted against in the closed-door meeting. “On behalf of the assembly we must [apologize]because we have to protect them from things like that,” McLean said....

December 24, 2022 Â· 4 min Â· 640 words Â· Clyde Munoz

Ausrasten Fr 23.09.2022 22 20

Nile Rodgers, der kreative Kopf der Disco-Band Chic, feierte am 19. September 2022 seinen 70. Geburtstag. Auch sein verstorbener Partner, Bassist Bernhard Edwards, wäre im Oktober zu den Seventysomethings gestoßen. Die beiden Jubiläen sind Anlass, sich in dieser nächtlichen Spielräume-Ausgabe mit der Disco-Ära auseinanderzusetzen. Dieser mit der Funkmusik verwandte Stil entwickelte sich in den 1970er Jahren zu einem eigenständigen Genre und erreichte zwischen 1976 und 1979 seinen Höhepunkt. Das Wort „Disco“ stammt aus dem Französischen und ist eine Abkürzung für „Diskothek“....

December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 164 words Â· Michelle Pittman

Baerbock New York Keynote Ergreife Den Transatlantischen Moment

Außenminister Baerbock hielt vor US-Studenten eine Grundsatzrede zur transatlantischen Zusammenarbeit. Darin erläuterte er die Lehren, die Berlin aus Russlands Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine für die Zusammenarbeit zieht. Von Antje Passenheim, ARD Studio New York Es ist kein neuer Anruf, sondern ein dringender. Die Botschaft des Außenministers war klar: Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, die transatlantische Partnerschaft neu zu starten. WDR Logo Antje Passenheim ARD-Studio New York Die Europäer müssten ihre strategischen Fähigkeiten stärken, „um den USA auf Augenhöhe begegnen zu können – in einer Führungspartnerschaft“, sagte Baerbock in einer Rede vor Schülern der New School in New York....

December 24, 2022 Â· 3 min Â· 478 words Â· Nancy Myers

Biden Surveys Kentucky Flood Damage Promises More Us Aid

At least 37 people died in last month’s deluge, which dropped 8 to 10-1/2 inches of rain in just 48 hours. Gov. Andy Beshear told Biden that authorities expect to add at least one more death to the total. The National Weather Service said Sunday that flooding remained a threat, warning of more storms through Thursday. The president said the nation has an obligation to help all its people, saying the federal government will provide support until residents get back on their feet....

December 24, 2022 Â· 4 min Â· 775 words Â· Ann Pecora

Bild Analyse Neue Corona Regeln Treffen Wieder Die Falschen Politik

Gastronomen und Kulturveranstalter leiden erneut. Und viele Fragen bleiben unbeantwortet. In Bars, Restaurants, Kinos, Theatern und anderen Kultur- und Unterhaltungseinrichtungen können Bundesländer wieder eine Maskenpflicht (FFP2-Maske) vorschreiben. Alternativ sollten Besucher auch einen negativen Test oder Genesungs- oder Impfnachweis (bis zu drei Monaten) vorlegen. ABER: Die vierte Impfung wird bisher nur Personen über sechzig und medizinischem Personal empfohlen! Medien: Die meisten Menschen brauchen noch einmal Prüfungen, bevor sie ins Restaurant oder ins Kino gehen können....

December 24, 2022 Â· 2 min Â· 299 words Â· Lura Johnson

Blue Jays Place Reliever Tim Mayza On 15 Day Il With Dislocated Right Shoulder Sportsnet.Ca

December 24, 2022 Â· 0 min Â· 0 words Â· David Shepherd

Boris Johnson Latest News Pm To Offer Full Throated Apology As He Faces Mps Over Partygate Fine

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December 24, 2022 Â· 1 min Â· 83 words Â· John Bryant